help me find

hi guys 🙆 do u know the name of the where the MC goes around the festival and two girls tied a ribbon/string at his belt/waist. This means that they're interested in him and the man can have sex with them. They brought him to a tent and fuck in there. And the ending is when his done with them, he realized that there's a lot of strings/ribbons around his belt/waist and saw many girls outside the tent. i think there's a part 2

help me guys, I've been looking for that for a long time. thanks 🤗
>>304 @ fangirlx9000
Crap, I remember that one, sorry, but not the name. Had some lolis too, if I remember correct (wasn't one, if not both, of the girls a loli?). It was a mating festival that happens once a year for girls/women to get pregnant, and they choose their mate, the men have no say due to being greatly outnumbered by the women. I think it was an island the guy washed up on, or was it a sci-fi and he crashed on a primitive world... All I know is the guy was new there and didn't know about the ritual, but boy, did he get his rocks....
name: himo loli
artist: tanabe kyou

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