New Tag: 3d CG [Category]

Tag Data
Type: Category
English: 3d CG
Japanese: -
Alternatives: -
Description: 3d galleries that do not use panels.
Contribution Information
Submitted by: Glovelove
Submitted on: Aug 12, 2024 at 22:55:16
Last updated: Aug 12, 2024 at 22:56:13
Status: Needs Work
Note: Given that Puru is open to allowing more categories despite earlier opposition from the community this category could be allowed in the future, but only if and when Puru explicitely announces to the community that 3d content will be allowed. If this does not happen or Puru changes his mind the pending category and all associated uploads will be nuked.

Should this contribution be approved?

1 comments (0 hidden)

Glovelove has changed the status of this contribution into Needs Work

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