

I'm not exactly sure what I just watched but it was funny ;-)
The story suddenly cuts off at a good point and turns into a horribly written shounen manga, it had great potential to turn into many types of good stories(from tragedies to happy endings) but no... after the girl get's tossed in the water tank everything goes downhill...
Anonymous on Library Teacher / 図書室の先生
Cute, and also the boobies are nice.
The perfect ending...(;
Anonymous6477 on
It's exactly what i like :^)
Anonymous6477 on
It's exactly what i like :^)
Anonymous on Nuts Eater
This makes my balls hurt just reading it >.<
Anonymous on
The fuck
Anonymous on
Well, shit
It's most awkward hentai manga i ever read
LiArMaZk on
We have a cute pussy here :3
HHH on
Nice. Just what I've been looking for!
Anonymous on
nice story..
like it.

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